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Experience in writing a resume

Structure of resume

Writing a cheap resume services according to a certain structure ensures that all the necessary information will be conveyed to the potential employer:

  • Contacts, personal information. The item is important, because the employer should be easy to find how he will contact the applicant.
  • Purpose of the resume - in this case, the position that the applicant plans to get.
  • Key skills and accomplishments.
  • Work experience, job duties.

Step 1. Photos, contacts, and personal information

The first thing an employer should see - full first name, middle name and last name of the applicant. Here are also contact information: phone number, e-mail, social media address, address of residence and domicile.

The photo in the resume is placed at the beginning of the page, preferably in a corner. If the resume is in writing, the photo can be attached to the document with a staple or stapler. With the printed version is easier - the photo is inserted directly into the document. The photo should be simple, in a business suit. It is unacceptable to take a photo from a holiday, party, where other people are present.

Step 2: Purpose of the resume

In this block, the applicant indicates what position he is applying for.

The company may have several open positions, so the employer should immediately identify the candidate to a certain category. It is not always reasonable to specify more than one position. However, if the applicant certainly wants to get into the company of interest, it is possible to enter an additional position for which he is willing to accept.

Step 3. Key skills and accomplishments

The candidate will have to list what he has achieved professionally. This is especially important if the job is to be a management position. The employer wants to see if the candidate meets the corporate requirements and has the skills needed for the job.

Step 4: Work Experience and Job Duties

There are general requirements for a resume that are worth following. The listing of work experience on the resume is in reverse order, that is, the position in which the applicant worked at the last job comes first. The description is made with dates, position, job duties. The reason for leaving is also given. It is desirable to specify contacts of previous supervisors so that the employer can verify the information provided and ask for a reference from the previous job. It is worth contacting the previous place of employment and warning that they may be called to verify the data.