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The nanny leaves, what should I do?

Suppose you have a wonderful nanny.You were happy with everything, the child didted in this person, the nanny gave your baby a lot: attention, care, games, affection, early development, well, in general, everything that you dreamed of when hiring her.But the day has come when you have to part with her.

There may be several reasons: your child has grown up and objectively no longer needs a nanny;your nanny found a better place, maybe she graduated from college, and now wants to get a job in her specialty ... There are different situations in life, but the situation is as follows - your beloved nanny leaves you.We are specifically talking about our beloved nanny.If the relationship for some reason did not work out, it is easier to part, but it is much more difficult to dismiss the person to whom the child is attached, whom you let into your inner circle.
It happens that a statement from an ideal nanny in all respects that she will have to leave you takes you by surprise and causes conflicting feelings.For example, resentment and the feeling that you have been betrayed.You betrayed a child who became attached to this person, betrayed your expectations and plans.How to forgive such a thing?And then aggression begins ...

Stop!We recommend that you stop and think.

At this stage in the development of the situation, it is useful to remember that you hired a nanny, and did not buy into slavery.That such a job, especially if your nanny is a student of a pedagogical or medical university, is a temporary stage for a person.After all, even the kindest, most responsible, qualified staff, suitable for their work with all their hearts, did not sign up to work in your house forever, well, or until you need it.

It is also useful to take into account that the people serving you are, first of all, individuals, with their own lives, with their own plans and thoughts.And even if, while working in your house, the nanny completely dissolves in the child and caring for him - this does not mean that this place is the limit of her dreams.It only means that a person treats his duties with a soul - the highest level of professionalism.Respect your employees, especially if they are professionals of this level.

And now about the children

If your problems in connection with the loss of a nanny are material and solvable, then with a baby it can be somewhat more difficult.A small person, attached to an adult in childhood, usually experiences his loss very hard.And children become attached to good, kind, attentive people, even if your nanny is a professional of the highest class and has never allowed herself unnecessary whispers and earning "cheap" authority on the naivety and openness of the baby.

So that's it.Your child had a beloved friend who must now go.How can this be explained?First of all, you cannot hide anything from the baby.He will still feel the tension, but who will enjoy the constant feeling of anxiety, especially if you cannot figure out the reasons?You like?Yes, it is just crazy, you say.And you will be right.Now think about what you are immersing a child's unformed psyche, hushing up this or that problem from the child?In the most terrible nightmare, from which then terrible dreams, depression, enuresis and other "joys" of life.

Tell the child directly.Talk to your nanny about this.Be sure to give her the opportunity to talk with the pupil in private and explain everything to him.Do not interrupt their communication as much as possible.For all its vulnerability, the child's psyche is extremely flexible, and if the child receives answers to his questions, it will be much easier for him to survive both this loss and the subsequent separation.

Yes, he is quite a kid with us, you say.How many?Year?One and a half?Two?Even at 8-9 months, the little man already has his affections, likes and dislikes.He recognizes acquaintances, is afraid of strangers, chooses friends for himself.Do not assume that the feelings of children can be neglected for their small age.Children are small people, they think and feel much sharper than adults.Respecting their feelings is necessary and easy.Explain the situation to them, do not shield them from the changes taking place in the house.Include in the life process on an equal basis with all family members.And the child will feel needed.And if a small person feels needed and respected, it is easier for him to respect the decisions of other people.Even his nanny's decision to leave your home. which online casino has the fastest withdrawal time