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The main directions of solving problems in financing the armed forces of the USSR

The range of problems in the armed forces includes the development, production and procurement of weapons and military equipment in the context of their reduction. Significantly should decrease not only the volume of production, but also the accumulated stocks, often morally and materially outdated. Smaller aircraft do not need so many weapons and equipment. The reduction in weapons and equipment is also due to a decrease in the number of accidents, breakdowns, catastrophes, and an increase in the life of equipment in a professional army.

Each of the possible directions for solving the problem requires special study. Therefore, we confine ourselves to their enumeration: conversion of military production; unification of civil and military production with a more efficient joint use of advanced technologies, military research and development; export of weapons and military equipment, which also requires reduction primarily for military-political reasons; sale of military equipment for scrap or its re-equipment for the needs of the national economy; the use of certain types of weapons to solve environmental problems, etc.

The possible transformation of these measures into another campaign seems to be extremely dangerous, when only signs were replaced, and the content was preserved. And here it is important to take advantage of the accumulated domestic and foreign experience. For example, it is known that the greatest success in conversion was achieved by Czechoslovakia and Poland.

Maybe it is economically feasible to stop some kind of military enterprise, paying the labor collective a salary (so as not to lose personnel while searching for the best solution), than wasting material resources on the production of weapons and then destroying them or releasing expensive consumer goods that are not in demand?

Obligatory conditions for the implementation of the above measures should obviously include demonopolization of the military-industrial complex, the removal of excessive secrecy and the establishment of full parliamentary and civilian control, as well as the improvement of the arms procurement system itself. Briefly describe them.

In the transition to a market economy, one cannot put up with the monopoly position that the ministries of the military-industrial complex occupy today. Such monopolies as the electronic and radio industries have practically usurped the right to produce not only military, but also all civilian products. Monopolism has led to the fact that even where all the best is concentrated, we lagged behind the leading countries of the world, according to acad. V. Avduevsky, for decades, not to mention other areas. Credit Card dumps with Pin, Buy Dumps with Pin Online, Dumps with Pin Shop, How to use dumps with Pin, Track 1&2 Dumps with pin, Dumps with pin Vendor, Dumps with pin Forum, Credit Card Dumps Track 2 and Pin, Dumps with pin Reddit, Dumps with Pin Tutorial, dumps with pin website, dumps with pin 2020, Dumps with pin Atm cash out, Underground Dumps Shop, CC Dumps, Dumps with pin Method. BUY DUMPS WITH PIN FROM RUSSIAN HACKER WE ARE TRUSTED DUMPS SELLER AND WE GIVE YOU GUARANTEED DUMPS WITH PIN. ATM hacking Tools, ATM hacking Software, ATM Hacking Tutorial, ATM Hacking reddit, ATM hacking method, ATM hacking codes, ATM hacking device, Blank ATM card, ATM hacking card, Codes for hacking ATM machine.